Hamble Parish Council Shortlisted for Community Engagement Award

The Parish Council has been shortlisted for an award by the Hampshire Association of Local Councils in recognition of the public engagement work we have completed relating to the Hamble Airfield Planning Application.

As part of this process, we were asked to present details of the communication methods and approaches used to date – you can view a copy of this presentation here.

While we were delighted to have our work recognised by our local authority peers, it is of course the opinion of the community which is of most importance to the Council team and members.  To date, the feedback we have received in relation to the comms work over the last year has been overwhelmingly positive, but if there is anything more you think we could or should be doing – particularly in respect of communicating the detail of the Hamble Airfield planning application – please do email the Clerk with suggestions.  While our comms budget (and resource) is limited, we are always open to new ideas – particularly if they help us reach pockets of the community which may not have easy access to social media or our website.